A Year Later

(Picture above is from the first day of spring, enjoying our free Rita’s water ice.) A year ago today (well, a year ago yesterday by the time I’m actually posting this), we were told that Anne had malignant, metastatic neuroendocrine carcinoid tumors. I’ve been looking back over emails and notes from those first few days after we found out, and man, what a whirlwind. I want to talk about some of that, but first, an update on where we are now, since it’s been three and a half months since our last update… sorry!

What’s Been Going On Since December

It’s hard to believe that we’re almost a third of the way through 2017. In February and March, a team of our friends in South Africa worked tirelessly to pack and prepare all of our belongings to be shipped around the world to our new house here. Meanwhile back here in the U.S., construction workers knocked out a wall, ripped up carpets, and replaced flooring in our new house.

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